Stago STA Satellite®

Stago STA Satellite®

The STA Satellite® is a fully automated bench-top, Haemostasis analyser for clotting, chromogenic and immunological assays using random access mode. The STA Satellite® offers complete automation to the low-medium activity coagulation laboratory. It offers technological advances to ensure a high level of system reliability as well as ease of operation, insuring flexibility and complete security, all within a small footprint.

Viscosity-based detection system for clotting tests
Excellent repetability and reproducibility
Positive barcode identification of samples and reagents
Continuous sample loading
STAT sample access capability with immediate analysis
Minimal user maintenance procedure
Integrated quality control program
Complete management of barcoded STA
- PT
- Fibrinogen
- D-Dimers (new)
- Heparin (UFH and LMWH)
- Calibrators Quality Control

technical specification
test menu